Pro-Free Trade Rally at APEC

The Patriots over at the Liberty & Democracy Party have decided to stick it to the regressive socialist scumbags at APEC by protesting in favour of free trade. This is one APEC rally B&N is in complete support of, and I would urge as many readers as possible to brave the cruddy public transport to attend, and if it’s anything like Liberal Student pro-VSU counter-rallies you’ll likely get your face in the paper too.

“We should nuke Mecca”-Tancredo

One of GOP’s resident bright sparks, Congressman Tom Tancredo, has come out and said that, in order to prevent further terrorist attacks, we should threaten to bomb Muslim holy sites. I mean, there’s nothing that will make a bunch of religious fanatics respect your country than by threatening to destroy the thing they’re fanatical about, which happens to reside within the borders of a country you’re supposed to be allied with, right?