
This is the blog of five rather angry university students with a predisposition towards minimal governance and alcoholism. It’s a combination of personal stuff, commentary on current events, long winded policy papers and incoherent rants directed at arbitrary victims. None of us claim to be original or particularly talented at this game, but it’s a bit of fun and hopefully you enjoy reading it.

This blog is best viewed using Konqueror (or Safari, because Dan’s a fuckface Mac user), because chances are your browser eats balls at standards compliance and can’t even render a smiley face properly.

8 Responses

  1. the voice of young australia, a freat combo of insights and swearing.

    qu: where’s your RSS/ google reader fead?

  2. https://belligerentandnumerous.wordpress.com/feed

    I think the current theme is missing a lot of features (such as links to the RSS feed) so will fix that soon.

  3. meh IE uses less memory. It’s a blog anyway, who cares how its rendered? You and your hippy browsers Justin.

  4. IE just hides its memory usage by embedding a lot of it in other processes, and regardless Konqueror is one of the most lightweight browsers out there.

  5. What’s with the fucking dumb browsers?

  6. The “dumb browsers” are both based on KHTML, which provides for the fastest rendering and highest level of standards compliance of just about any engine out there.

  7. Hi guys,

    Thinking you should take down the slanderous material suggesting i am a lesbian or I might just sue your pants off!

  8. http://nocleanfeed.com
    Read up my young wordpress Internet friends..

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